A Haven You'll Love to Call Home
Looking for one-, two-, or three-bedroom apartments in Colorado Springs? Make yourself at home in apartments featuring walk-in closets, quartz countertops, and an abundance of natural light. Explore the Solace at the Ranch floorplans to find the perfect apartment for you, with a wide variety of in-unit and communal amenities.
Our one-bedroom, one-bath (789 sq ft) features an open-concept social area. The two-bedroom, two-bath (1,093-1,125 sq ft) includes a larger patio and an additional walk-in closet. Our three-bedroom, two-bath (1,528 sq ft) offers the ideal balance of social and private space, perfect for hosting friends and family.
Floorplans are an artist's rendering and may not be to scale. The landlord makes no representation or warranty as to the actual size of a unit. All square footage and dimensions are approximate, and the actual size of any unit or space may vary in dimension. The rent is not based on actual square footage in the unit and will not be adjusted if the size of the unit differs from the square footage shown. Further, actual product and specifications may vary in dimension or detail. Not all features are available in every unit. Prices and availability are subject to change. Please see a representative for details.